Newley Spikes


My name is Newley Spikes. I was raised in the small town of Henrietta, Texas by loving, Christ- following parents. Although I was baptized when I was 12 after returning from church camp, I never made Jesus the Lord of my life, or even an important influence. I was completely self-reliant, determined to conquer the world in the ways I thought made a “real man.” In 1995, I met my wife, Karen, while attending Texas A&M University. We spent the first 13 years of our marriage devoid of Jesus and totally focused on ourselves. We built an overwhelming wall of bitterness between us. In the fall of 2012, God used His Spirit , His Word , and His people from Watermark to pursue us. He met us in our darkest hours of brokenness to rescue us and show us His kindness that leads to repentance. He gave us renewed hearts and restored our marriage. Today we have six amazing children and are blessed to raise them in a home where we rely on the Lord rather than ourselves. Karen and I have a small animal veterinary clinic in Fort Worth where we get to love people and their pets. When we aren’t working and chasing kids, we love to serve together at ReEngage. God has written a wonderful story of redemption over our hearts and marriage. With gratitude for all He has done , we joyfully serve Him by sharing His message of hope with couples each Wednesday night at Watermark Fort Worth.