Family Ministries Director

I am so blessed to be called an adoptive son of God and receive His grace through no merit of my own. In High School God used a life altering event with my mom to solidify my trust in who He was and how He unconditionally loves me! My heart is that others would come to know of this sweet grace that is only offered through Christ. In 2007 after I finished school I started working for KLIFE, a discipleship student ministry associated with Kanakuk Kamps, where I served for 7 years in Fort Worth loving students and their families. My wife, Betsy, and I are humbled to now be a part of the Watermark Family and pray the Lord uses us in a way that would bring glory to Him. Outside of my commitment to Christ and my wife the following are the things that stir my heart the most…

  • My kids Jayden, Bay, Sawyer, Makayla and Timmy
  • Baylor Bear Sports
  • Torchy’s Tacos
  • Playing the Odds