This We Know: Knowing Full and Lasting Joy

Have you ever wondered if you could really know if the Christian faith is real? Or if you could really have fellowship with a God that you can’t see? Or can you really have joy in a world such as this? As we kick off our series in 1 John, we will find the answer to these questions and more.

1 John 1:1-4 Sermon Guide

With so many conflicting views out there, what can we really know about Jesus? Tyler Briggs kicks off our series in 1 John by highlighting a true understanding of Jesus, as rooted in history and revealed through the Bible. Not only can the believer know the true Christ, but the believer can know true fellowship with the triune God and know true joy in all circumstances.

Purpose of 1 John: To provide assurance so that we can know complete joy through fellowship with God. As marked by the phrase “this we know”.

Point #1: You can know the message about Jesus is true.

In John’s letter to his fellow believers, he confronts the false teachings of his time about the true Christ. John passionately pleads with the people of God to trust his eyewitness account of Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Ultimately, coming face-to-face with the risen Christ led the once-fearful Apostles to faithfully proclaim the message of their Messiah.

  1. What false views of Jesus need to be addressed in our world today?
  2. What would you say to someone who believes Jesus was a good teacher, but nothing more?

Point #2: You can know genuine fellowship with God.

As Tyler rightly reminded us, “Christians are not just called to a right knowledge of God, but a right relationship with God.” The disciple’s fellowship is intended to be a daily-deepening, personal participation in the life of God. Rather than merely trusting our feelings, we must trust the fact that God is always with us and spend time with Him through the Word, prayer, and a life of worship.

  1. Through Christ, all believers have around-the-clock access to God – a privilege often neglected amidst other passions, pleasures, and priorities. In what ways are you not making yourself available to experience the fullness of fellowship with God?

Point #3: You can know complete joy.

In verse 4, John proposes fellowship with God as the path to know true joy. Tyler defined joy as “the soul fully satisfied in God – a contentment and unshakeable strength, regardless of circumstances”. As we individually and collectively find ourselves in crisis after crisis in a fallen world, pursuing a right relationship with the one, true God and true joy in Him must remain our first priority.

  1. What an astonishing reality that the same fellowship and joy Christ experienced and the Apostles experienced is offered to us, and we can offer to others! Do you have a missionary’s heart like Jesus and John to see unbelievers know Christ and to see believers grow in Christ? What hinders you from having a similar attitude of joy and compassion?


  1. Read 1 John 1:5-2:2 before next Sunday’s message.
  2. The themes of Sunday’s message parallel the themes of the Gospel of John, chapters 13-17. Take a chapter each day this week to read, reflect, and respond in prayer.
  3. With your community group, discuss and confess areas where your fellowship with God has been hindered through your lack of availability toward God.